Apple-Sauerkraut Stew–Printable Version

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Apple-Sauerkraut Stew


1 sweet onion

3 tablespoons butter

2 medium apples, peeled

1 (14-oz) can sauerkraut, drained

1 package (2 long links) smoked sausage or turkey sausage

1-1/2 cups unsweetened apple juice


Begin by halving a sweet onion longwise and then slicing the halves into slivers. Saute over medium heat with a little butter for about fifteen minutes, or until the onions are just starting to brown a little. While onions are cooking, take a couple of apples and chop them into small (but not tiny) slivers.

Next, slice smoked sausage into bite-sized rounds. Drain a can of sauerkraut and add to the cooked onions, along with the apples and sausage pieces. Pour apple juice over the whole mixture.

Simmer the mixture over medium heat for at least fifteen minutes.

Serve in stew bowls or covered individual casserole dishes.

2 Responses to “Apple-Sauerkraut Stew–Printable Version”

  1. Shaw Ritter August 31, 2009 at 8:15 PM #

    Wonderful! Hubby loved the apple-sauerkraut stew, too. His first words after the first bite were “Amazing taste!” I gave my daughter the leftovers the next day, along with the corn muffins I made to go with them. They’re having them for supper tonight. (Wonder if this could be made in a crockpot?)
    There are so many delicious sounding recipes on this Website I’m finding it hard to adhere to my strict “no-more-cooking” vow (after more than 56 years at the stove.) I’m going to try the green beans next, then the Swiss steak. If this site were a cookbook, I’d own it!


  1. Apple-Sauerkraut Stew « The Red Kitchen Project - August 18, 2009

    […] Apple-Sauerkraut Stew 2009 August 18 by Gracie For a printable version of this recipe, click here.  […]

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